summer eggventures!
(august 17, 2024)
this summer has been, for me, a true EGGVENTURE! i have created what likely amounts to three different delicious egg dishes a week and i have decided to catalogue my learnings on what eggs mean to me.
in an eggnecdote, one that has happened to me numerous times, but in this specific case was as recent as may of this year, my mother asked me, "are you neurodivergent?" this is an odd tangent, yes, but you will soon see it's relation. i said, "i haven't the slightest idea mother (a bold lie), why do you ask?" she then proceeded to describe how she believes i experience food hyperfixations, which i am not inclined to disagree with, but am inclined to be offended by as the idea of someone noticing something about me without my consent is simply too much for me.
anyway, i believe that my obsession with eggs could very well be classified as a food hyperfixation. if it were feasible i would be very capable of eating eggs everyday, and i crave them near constantly. scrambled, boiled, omelette, (FUCK DEVILED EGGS), or fried, i love eggs.
in terms of the literal things i have learned about eggs this summer, i have discovered i use way more oil than my friends. coat the damn pan! is that a crime!? oil tastes good. i have also learned to enjoy runnier yolks, coming from a family of hard yolksters, and that whatever sick fuck decided that scrambled eggs that weren't basically liquid were bad is certainly wrong. i like a soft scramble but hard scramble's are delectable! great even! i like to use a wider pan for omelettes now as i appreciate how it cooks better especially when i add tomatoes, pepper, or spinach, and i prefer the thin omelette to the thin ones
in terms of the metaphorical things i have learned i have discovered that eggs represent much of myself. i'm an egg! i am so versatile and fragile. i would consider myself a pretty basic scramble right now. i am decent most of the time but nowhere near my final form (cheese infused omlette) but i am aspiring to become more interesting and vegetable filled sort of guy.